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"While tidying up his dorm room and getting ready to head out for the day, Scott came across an envelope that had been slipped underneath his door. He bent over and picked up the envelope. Inside the envelope was a letter from Laura telling Scott that she has to break off their relationship.

In spite of what she'd learned about him, Belinda still showed up at The Valley Inn for her breakfast date with Miles. Miles arrived a few minutes later with a broad smile on his face. He had hoped to draw a smiled from the attorney, but Belinda's face was emotionless. She asked Miles how he always seems to find time in his schedule to bump into her---especially with his problems with TransGlobal. This led Belinda to wonder if she had been invited to breakfast as a date or as a potential attorney to defend the beleaguered airline. Miles insisted that his intentions were sincere and informed Belinda that he already has more lawyers working on the case than he could ever need. Belinda still felt obligated to Maria---a relative. She told Miles that she believes that he is "innocent until proven guilty," but her conscience will not allow her to see him.

Liza woke up earlier than usual and made herself a cup of coffee. When Adam and Marian caught up the Liza, they both urged her to return to bed. Marian went as far as to have Lucretia prepare a big breakfast for Liza. Liza ordered her mother to stop treating her like a child and reiterated that Marian was not responsible for her miscarriage. Joe dropped by Chandler Mansion and Adam immediately confronted the doctor with a barrage of questions. Adam asked Joe if the airplane's hard landing was the sole cause of Liza's miscarriage. Joe didn't want to answer the question. He told Adam that an answer will not ease the pain of the loss. When Adam forced Joe for an answer, Joe admitted that the incident on the plane seemed to be the only factor in the loss of the baby. Joe extended an offer to Liza to attend one of the hospital's support groups for couples who had lost a child. Liza smiled and thanked Joe for his concern, but told him that "work is [her] therapy." Joe returned to the hospital and Marian exited the room to allow Adam and Liza some privacy. Adam grieved for the lost of his child, but he'd lost more than the life of a child. He told Liza that he wished they could go back and reclaim all the time they'd lost with each other. Petty fights cost them precious moments together. Adam told Liza that he wants to wants to whisk her off her feet and head off on a getaway or the honeymoon they never had. Liza wanted terribly to go, but told Adam that the time wasn't quite right. She told her husband that other than her father, he's the only person that she can be "less than perfect" around and still be loved. Adam took Liza in his arms and told her that he would make those responsible for the death of their child pay for what they'd done.

Dimitri hovered over Maddie's crib and recalled finding Edmund's button a few days earlier. He'd made plans to take Gloria out for brunch and since Gillian had classes, he'd arranged for Mateo to babysit for Maddie. Gloria was as surprised as anyone to learn that Dimitri had actually called Mateo. When Mateo arrived, Dimitri seemed carefree about the arrangement. Gloria, on the other hand, was a nervous wreck. Mateo urged the couple to take their time and enjoy their day. As soon as Dimitri and Gloria were gone, Mateo got on the phone and called Edmund. Edmund wasted no time and getting over to the loft to spend some time with his daughter. About fifteen minutes into the visit, Dimitri returned home because he'd "forgotten" something. When he opened the door, he found Edmund and Mateo sitting on the sofa with Maddie. Dimitri demanded to know why Edmund was in his house. The answer was quite easy, Edmund explained. He was playing with his daughter. Dimitri lashed out at Mateo, saying that he had trusted him. Gillian returned home and walked right into the brothers' battle. Dimitri claimed that he had wanted Maria's family involved in Maddie's life, but that Mateo's unscrupulous behavior blew that plan to smithereens. Gillian offered her take on the situation: Edmund was Maddie's father. She stated that the majority of her friends have several "parents" through divorces and re-marriages, but that the child only recognize one "real" parent. Gillian's input was rewarded by a quick order to shut up from Dimitri. Edmund warned Dimitri that his decision to cut Maddie of from her relative will leave her an unhappy child. Dimitri ordered Mateo and Edmund out of his house and warned them that he'd have them arrested if they returned. Soon after the feud, Scott showed up at the lost to "do something" with Gillian. He wasn't quite sure what he wanted to do, he just wanted to get his mind off of Laura. He told Gillian that Laura had run off. Feelings of guilt crept over Gillian as she walked to her purse. She removed the crumpled up photo of Laura that she'd procured at Holiday's and showed it to Scott. Scott asked Gillian how she'd come in contact with the photo. Gillian told him the story of the kids getting the photo off of the Internet. Scott turned and ran off.

Dimitri got on the phone and asked his lawyer to get a court order to keep Edmund away from his child. If necessary, he wanted criminal trespass charges leveled against his half-brother. Gillian warned Dimitri that his decision was irrational and unjust, but Dimitri told her that she'd have to honor his decision as long as she lives under his roof.

Edmund thanked Mateo for allowing him a few minutes with his daughter and apologized for getting him "cut off" from Maddie. He then called Trevor and asked him to put a rush on their appeal of the court ruling.

Brooke and Jim searched all over town for Laura, but she was nowhere to be found. Jim assured Brooke that Laura would be fine. Brooke was in tears; She asked Jim what kind of "sick monster" takes pornographic photos of child. She wanted to call the police, but Jim advised her not to. She then realized that the press could learn about the predicament if a police report was filed. When the doorbell rang, Brooke's hopes were raised. Thinking that Laura had forgotten her key, Brooke raced to the door. On the other side was the mother of one of the children at the Youth Center. Brooke asked the woman if she'd seen Laura. The woman laughed sarcastically and told Brooke that she'd seen Laura---a whole lot of her! She presented Brooke with one of Laura's photos. Presumably her son had gotten it from a friend with Internet access. What kind of mother, she asked, lets her daughter pose for those type of pictures? Brooke insisted that Laura did not pose willingly for the photos, but the woman didn't believe her. The woman vowed to ban Laura from ever returning to the center.

Scott arrived and told Brooke that he knew why Laura ran away. He felt horribly for taking Laura to New York a few months back. No wonder, he said, Laura "freaked out." Scott vowed to find the man that subjected Laura to the pornography sessions and "nail him to the wall."

In an unknown location, Laura screamed at the top of her lungs for help. Her eyes were blindfolded and she was tied to some old machinery. A man entered the room and told Laura to keep quiet. His face was never revealed and since Laura was blindfolded, she could not identify the man. But something about his voice rang familiar. Laura asked the man if she knew who he was. He chuckled and said that she probably would---but that the blindfold would prevent that. Laura asked him why she was being kept prisoner. He told her to "figure it out" and walked away."

- Soap Central