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08/22/97 Janet & Trevor Barbeque

"Gillian rushed to the hospital hoping that she could have someone look at her injured finger. Allie directed her to triage, but along the way Gillian bumped into Jake and got side-tracked. She was surprised to see that Jake was a "human doctor." Back at the rest stop when he told her that he was a doctor, she assumed that he was kidding. The European beauty soon learned that Americans are a great deal more politically correct than other residents of the world. She referred to Allie as a nurse simply because Allie's a woman. The comment angered Allie, but she did accept Gillian's apology when she corrected her. Gillian explained that she had no American health insurance, but said that she has more than enough cash to cover her expenses. Gillian refused to give her last name, claiming that she is like "Cher" and "Madonna."

Allie escorted Gillian to a room and prepped her for a splinter-ectomy. Allie probed for details on Gillian, asking where she was from and why she didn't want to give her last name. Gillian offered no response and asked if Allie learned how to be nosy in med school. Allie smiled and asked what she meant by "med school." Gillian worried that she was being treated by someone without a medical degree, but Allie assured that she was just joking. In the blink of an eye, Allie plucked the tiny piece of wood from Gillian's finger. With the medical procedure complete, Gillian pulled a wad of foreign currency from her purse and offered to settle her debt. Allie explained that she could not accept non-US funds. Then Allie did something rather peculiar. She told Gillian not to worry about payment because there was little work involved---just a Band-Aid and some antiseptic. Gillian mustn't have been used to charity because she refused to cancel the debt. She told Allie that she'd be back in the morning to settle what she owes.

Gillian scooted to a pay phone and called a "Mr. Randolph." She told the man that she needed him to send her some money for expenses. She also told him that she had not yet tracked down her father because the time wasn't right. Gillian tracked Allie and Jake down yet again and asked them for directions to the nearest art gallery.

The sun had long slipped under the horizon and Skye worried that the colder temperatures might adversely effect Edmund. She suggested that they return to the hospital, but Edmund refused. Skye went to the car to fetch a blanket. She also used the opportunity to call Mateo and Hayley and alert them to Edmund's whereabouts. Mateo told Skye that they'd meet her at the beach. When Skye returned to Edmund's side, he had a question for her. He asked if she believed that Maria was still alive. Skye shook her head. She said that she believes that Maria died in the crash. Edmund lowered his head and told Skye that if Maria did die, he died with her. Skye begged Edmund not to give up on life. There was a long period of silence as they both looked out into the water. Skye felt bad that she and The Greys were not on the best of terms. Edmund reminded Skye that Maria had forgiven her and that Skye's past deeds were "long forgotten." The guilt still haunted Skye. She cast her mind back on her letter, carefully recalling every word she used in the letter. She had no way of knowing that her letter was half-buried in the sand only a few yards away.

At Holidays, Jake scolded Allie for the way she handled Gillian's lack of insurance. Jake said that Allie should have filled out the appropriate forms so that the treatment would have been logged. Something about Jake's lecture brought up painful memories for Allie. She told Jake that her mother used to work double shifts in order to make ends meet and that health insurance was an unobtainable luxury item. Meanwhile, Jake and others were enjoying their Norman Rockwell lives complete with a happily married family, the best schooling available, and enough money to keep them happy. Now Jake was on the defensive. He told Allie that Pine Valley is not the tranquil backwards town that she might expect. Both agreed that there were issues that they'd prefer not to talk about. Allie sipped her drink and told Jake that a little mystery and secrecy is exciting.

Esther dropped by the art gallery to return a casserole dish to Stuart. Stuart was quite pleased to see Esther. He told her that he missed seeing her. Esther was a little down in the dumps because she was worried about "Little Honey." Stuart assured Esther that Madeline had come out of the crash unscathed. Esther disagreed. She said that the infant lost her mother in the crash and worried that there would be no one to love and take care of her. Stuart suggested that Esther contact Mateo or Edmund and volunteer her babysitting services. Esther scratched the idea, claiming that no one would want to associate with her after the kidnapping debacle. Stuart asked Esther to follow him down the hallway. He led her to Pierce's old room and showed her around. He told her that the room permitted a great deal of privacy and asked Esther if she'd move in. Esther was confused. She didn't understand why Stuart would go out of his way to help her. Stuart smiled bashfully and told Esther that he likes her and wants to see her get what she deserves from life. The room featured a kitchen and bathroom---and best of all---was rent free.

A topless Scott lugged a heavy stone sculpture from the storage area in to the gallery. When he put the objet d'art on the ground, he found an attractive young woman giving him the once over. Gillian, the woman ogling Scott's buffed torso, asked if the gallery owner was around. Stuart overheard the voices and entered the room. Gillian produced a beautiful religious artifact. Stuart was awed by the object and asked if it was genuine. Gillian nodded her head and asked for an appraisal. Scott introduced himself and apologized for Scott's appearance. "He's usually not so... so naked," Stuart gushed. While Stuart was gone, Scott prepared to go back to work. Gillian told him not to leave until they were better acquainted. Stuart returned with a look of astonishment on his face. He told Gillian that he was not able to purchase the item from her, as she had requested, because he didn't have the kind of money commanded by the item. He suggested that he call John Randolph in New York City. The mention of the name caused Gillian's perky mood to somewhat sour.

Stuart returned to Pierce's former room and asked Esther if she had reached a decision. Esther smiled and said that she would move into the room---but only for one night.

Back out in the gallery, Gillian asked Scott "what kind of trouble" she could get into while staying in town. Scott claimed that he didn't know what she meant by "trouble." Gillian smiled broadly and licked her lips. She called Scott a "good boy" and said that she loves "good boys" because they present more of a challenge.

Amanda received a last minute call from her friend Carrie. Carrie's mom was able to get her hands on backstage passes for The Secret Garden, a stage play showing somewhere in town. Trevor told Amanda that she had promised to stay and visit with Janet, but understood that the backstage opportunity was a once and a lifetime event. After Amanda left, Trevor tried to call Janet to tell her that she need not journey over to the house. But before Trevor could make the call, Janet showed up at the door. Trevor told Janet that Amanda had gone to a play with Carrie. Janet wasn't upset. In fact she was pleased that Amanda was being immersed in the arts. Janet was about to leave, but Trevor invited her to dinner. Janet accepted the offer and said that she would have one hot dog and one hamburger. Trevor was entertained by Janet's "dainty appetite." He told her that she should not hold back on eating in order to impress him. Quite simply, he likes her just the way she is and doesn't want her to change.

A rain storm canceled the outdoor barbecue so Janet and Trevor decided to watch a video. But half-way through the video, the power went out. Trevor assured Janet that the power would be back on shortly. They lit a few candles to provide some light. While Trevor called the power company to find out when the power would be restored, Janet listened to some tunes on Tim's boom box. A song on the radio made her reflect on her changing relationship with Trevor. Tears formed in her eyes causing Trevor to think that something was wrong. Janet smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes. She insisted that everything was fine and that she couldn't be happier. Then in the sparkle of the candlelight, Trevor and Janet shared another kiss.

Back on the beach, Mateo and Hayley finally arrived. Hayley thanked Skye for allowing Edmund to visit the crash scene. She said that she showed that she was a true friend for helping Edmund to deal with his loss. Mateo agreed with Edmund's perception of the crash scene. They both felt "closer" to Maria while sitting on the beach. Skye took a walk down the beach. Something flapping in the wind caught her attention. She bent over and found her letter sticking out of the sand."

- Soap Central