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08/21/97 Liza Contests The Divorce

"At Holidays, Liza filled in Belinda on her run-in with Adam at Chandler Mansion the night before. Liza told Belinda that she decided that she could not deal with Adam's tantrums because he is a "hard ass." Adam's ears must have been ringing because he chose that exact moment to call Liza on her cellphone. Adam wasted no time in challenging Liza's claims of contesting the divorce agreement. After the two minute phone call concluded, Belinda took great pleasure in knowing that she could prove Adam wrong. She prepared to run off and file some legal papers, but Liza tagged along, refusing to let Belinda have "all the fun."

Skye returned to Edmund's room. Edmund drifted off into a world of altered reality. He once again "saw" Maria standing before him, asking him to always remember her. When the dream ended, Edmund mistakenly referred to Skye as "Maria." Skye corrected him and told him that he had been having a dream. Not so, said Edmund, who told Skye that Maria is not dead. Skye tried to convince Edmund that the search and rescue teams have turned up nothing in the past few days, but Edmund refused to listen to her. He begged her to use her press credentials to wheedle in on the police investigation. If the authorities thought that she was working on an article for Tempo, perhaps they'd let her see the autopsy reports or other investigation documents. Skye told Edmund that his quest was "not healthy" and asked Edmund to accept Maria's death. Edmund reminded Skye that everyone in town had been under the mistaken assumption that Madeline was dead. Everyone except Maria. Edmund felt that he owes Maria the same devotion. Reluctantly, Skye agreed to dig around for her boss. Edmund took her hand and told her that he would never forget what she's done for him.

While driving along the interstate somewhere near Pine Valley Airport, Jake's truck was hit with a flat tire. He pulled into a rest stop and worked to fix the flat. While he was under the truck, he was distracted by a female's presence. The woman, with long, slender legs and very little clothing asked if Jake could give her a ride to Pine Valley. Just in case the young woman hadn't noticed, Jake pointed out that his truck had a flat tire. And besides, didn't this young woman's mother ever tell her about the dangers of hitchhiking? The woman, speaking in a heavy foreign twang, introduced herself as Gillian. She claimed to be a European traveler... a regular renaissance woman. She claimed to have been friends with a Russian spy. Jake knew that she was spinning tales. Gillian insisted that her life has enough excitement in it to not need to make up stories. But if there is ever a dull moment, Gillian said that wouldn't hesitate to cause a little trouble. As Gillian boasted of her joie de vivre, she brushed her hand against a wooden plank and ended up with a splinter in her hand. Jake asked to check her hand out, citing the fact that he's a doctor, but Gillian didn't trust a man who couldn't fix a flat tire. Jake blinked his eyes several times and told her that he had fixed her flat tire. Gillian moved towards the truck and after looking inside, she changed her mind about the ride. She claimed that Jake's truck was too dirty to suit her needs and that she couldn't possibly make her "grand entrance" into Pine Valley in a beat up truck.

Kevin attended his third session with Dr. Chapman. Not wanting to offended the doctor, Kevin took a circuitous rout in telling the doctor that he wasn't sure the therapy sessions were working. Dr. Chapman didn't address Kevin's concerns. Instead, he had a question for his patient. He asked Kevin if he has ever wished that he were not gay. Kevin's voice became soft as he admitted that there were time that he's wished he were straight. He listed his meeting with Tate, his would-have-been college dorm mate and his stint as Prom King as times where he wished her were straight. His comment that he wondered if he could "pretend" to be straight was the open door that Dr. Chapman has been looking for. Dr. Chapman told Kevin that he should consider doing a little "role playing." For one day, he urged, pretend to be heterosexual and see what it's like. The doctor told Kevin that he doesn't care what the result... he just thinks it could be a learning experience for Kevin. Kevin shrugged his shoulders and said that he'd consider it.

Back at Holidays, Mateo worked on plans for Maria's memorial. Hayley begged Mateo to let Dimitri handle the plans, but Mateo insisted that he is the only person who knows what Maria would want at her memorial service. Mateo worried about his niece and nephew and how their lives would be altered by the loss of their mother. Opal and Kelsey dropped by. When they learned that Hayley and Mateo wanted to go to the hospital to check up on Edmund, they volunteered their services at the restaurant. A little later, Kelsey worried that Kevin's therapist might be doing more harm than good. She told Opal that her grandparents hold nothing by contempt for Dr. Chapman. Opal, however, insisted that Kevin's family would not send him to a quack.

Gillian was about to call a taxi when Kevin pulled into the rest stop. She caught one glimpse of Kevin's sporty new car and immediately went to work. She strutted to Kevin's side and told him that he was a very attractive young man. She, whether it was part of her ploy or not, claimed that she believed Kevin was a college man. She then complimented him on his rugged hair cut and sensuous lips. But "all the girls" must tell Kevin that he's cute, she smiled. Kevin blushed and said that none of the girls tell him that. Gillian put her hands on her hips and looked Kevin up and down. "You're gay, aren't you?" she asked. She assured Kevin that there was nothing wrong with being gay. In fact, her best friend happens to be gay. But that was neither here nor there. She got to the heart of the matter and asked Kevin if he would give her a ride to Pine Valley. Kevin nodded and told her to hop in the car.

Mateo and Hayley paid a visit to Edmund, but Edmund wasn't all that thrilled by their company. In fact, he couldn't wait until after they were gone. But while they were there, the couple filled Edmund in on his children's status. Hayley said that Maddie has been a perfect angel and that Sam thinks Edmund and Maria are out of town on business.

As soon as Mateo and Hayley left---they were able to tell that they weren't needed at the hospital---Skye returned with news on her search. She told Edmund that police have been "tight-lipped" about the investigation. She was able to find out that no body was recovered. Edmund asked her to close the door. After she complied, Edmund struggled to get to his feet. He told Skye that the failure to find a body meant that Maria had to be alive. He told Skye that he needed her to help him get to the shore. Once there, they could rent a boat and search the marina for sign of Maria.

Adam called Barry to set the divorce wheels in motion. He wouldn't admit it, but he also wanted to check on the validity of Liza's claims. He wasn't pleased to learn that Barry was out playing a game of golf. Liza entered the room and told Adam that Barry, when he gets off the gold course, will tell Adam the same thing she's been telling him: the divorce papers are null and void. Liza told Adam that she signed the divorce papers under duress---and she also had no idea that she was pregnant at the time. What's pregnancy got to do with it, Adam asked. He reminded Liza that she is not carrying his child. The two squabbled back and forth over who's child Liza is actually carrying. Finally, Adam dared Liza to prove that she is carrying his child. He ordered her to have a DNA test performed on the child. Liza out and out refused to put her baby at risk. In order to do the DNA test, a needle would have to be inserted into the fetus. Liza wasn't going to risk harming the child. So Adam has two choices, Liza said: Either believe that she is carrying his child or wait until after the baby is born and then perform a DNA test. Adam told Liza that she was bluffing. Liza argued no more. She warned Adam that his constant insults are making the stakes higher. Liza said that every time Adam hurls an insult, she becomes more determined to take him to the cleaners. And on top of that, she'll make sure that he never gets to see his child.

Kevin and Gillian arrived at Holidays. The restaurant met Gillian's standards and she actually praised the "panache" of the establishment. Gillian gave Kevin a peck on the cheek and thanked him for helping her. Kelsey yanked Kevin aside and asked him who the woman was. Kevin told his friend that he had picked her up at a rest stop. Kelsey asked Kevin how it felt to be kissed by a girl. Kevin shrugged his shoulders and said that it meant nothing to him---and that it wasn't a kiss, it was a peck. Kevin also told Kelsey that Gillian is European. That lead Kelsey to ask why a European would set foot in their little burg.

Mateo waited on Gillian and soon found himself on the receiving end of her flirtatious ways. Mateo told her that he was married, but that didn't satisfy Gillian. "How married?" She asked. Hayley stomped over to the table and replied "Very." She pulled Matt aside and told him that she had spoken to the hospital's dietitian. Apparently, Edmund would be permitted to eat some seafood from Holidays... but only if it was something mild. They headed to the kitchen to round up some food for Edmund.
Gillian waltzed over to Kevin and told him that she had contacted a limo agency, but stated that the agency had no idea who she was. "Should they?" Kevin asked. Gillian nodded slightly. She told him that she was in town to meet with her father. But on second thought, she commented that she might not be ready to face him. As Kevin and Gillian became more comfortable with each other, Kelsey's face displayed an overwhelming look of concern.

At the hospital, Hayley and Mateo found Edmund's room empty. They thought nothing of it and asked Jake if he could find out if Edmund had been taken for some tests.

At the shore, Edmund and Skye walked to sandy beaches and looked out into the water. Edmund found one of Maddie's toys half-buried in the sand. Finding the toy gave him new hope that Maria had survived the crash. Skye told Edmund that there was no sign of his wife. Edmund turned and cast a glare at the vast body of water before him."

- Soap Central