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"Skye buttressed herself against the wall outside of Edmund's room as she told herself that she had to tell Edmund the truth about Maddie's paternity. As she sobbed to herself, Gloria and Dimitri walked down the corridor and asked Skye if everything was okay. She told them that they could visit with Edmund and that she'd return later to speak with him. Gloria and Dimitri went in to the room and watched as Edmund held Madeline tightly against his chest. Gloria asked if she could hold Maddie for just a few seconds. Edmund agreed, but when Dimitri tried to get his hands on the baby, Edmund shouted out a resounding "No!" Dimitri apologized, saying that he knows that Edmund doesn't want to part with his daughter. Gloria gave the baby back to Edmund, but Dimitri's eyes remained fixated on Madeline. Mateo dropped by to pick up his niece and assume the role as babysitter for the evening. As Mateo left, Dimitri's eyes followed the baby out the door.

After they left Edmund's room, Dimitri had a not-so-stunning announcement to make. He told Gloria that he has been doing a lot of thinking about Madeline. He told Gloria that he had promised not to interfere in Maddie's life---but that was when the infant had a father and a mother. Now that Maria was gone, Dimitri said that he felt a strengthening bond with the child. Gloria nodded. She told him that she realizes that he has already lost one child (with Erica) and can understand that he does not want to "lose" another.

Ruth, Tad, and Kelsey clamored around the window to the recovery room, waiting for Joe to be wheeled out of surgery. Tad assured his mother that Joe would be fine. But Ruth took a "when I see it, I'll believe it" stance. Fortunately, she wasn't left to wait that long. Joe was pushed into the recovery room and the family waited nervously while Allie checked Joe's vital signs. She turned her head toward the window and gave the "thumbs up" sign. The Martins let out a collective sigh of relief. Jake told his family that he had been allowed into the operating room to observe the surgery. Allowing family members into the operating room is usually not policy, but Dr. Craig was willing to make an exception. A loud thump on the glass frightened the Martins, but they were graced with good news. They watched as Joe opened his eyes. Allie told him that he had a lot of visitors waiting to see him. First, however, Dr. Craig had to give him the once over. Dr. Craig was quite pleased with his work in the operating room. He told Joe that the operation went without a hitch and Joe was expected to make a full recovery and live a long life. Joe didn't seem as impressed by the news. Joe was advised that Allie could up his dosage of pain medicine if the pain from the incisions got to be too much for him. Tad was allowed to visit with his dad, but he was originally insistent that other members of is family visit with Joe before him. Tad bent down by his father's bed side and, in typical Tad Martin style, wasted no time in cracking a few jokes. He told Joe that he would have brought him a nice cold beer, but added that the evil Chief of Staff set guidelines that prevented him from bringing alcohol into the hospital. Tad told Joe that he has never been able to thank him for all that he's done for him. A card or present would never begin to break the surface of the gratitude that Tad feels for his dad. He thanked him for adopting him and making him a part of a real family. Kelsey was the next to enter. She, too, offered a little ribbing. She told her grandfather that she has already concocted her method of torture for when Joe returns home from the hospital: She's going to blast her music at top volume. Kelsey called herself the president of the Joe Martin Fan Club and said that there are a lot of people who are glad to hear that he's going to be okay.

Outside the room, Gloria asked Ruth for the latest news on Joe. She was relieved to hear that Joe was going to be okay and even offered to take on personal nursing duties for Joe. Tad overheard the offer as he exited the hospital room. Ruth suddenly "remembered" that she had to make a phone call and left the scene. Gloria told Tad that she was relieved that Joe was going to make a full recovery. Tad said nothing and made no acknowledgment of Gloria's comment. Instead he turned and walked away.

Thanks to the food critic's rave reviews, Holidays was booked solid with reservations. Hayley took the necessary steps to accommodate the influx of customers by arranging for extra cooks and waitstaff. Opal dropped by to keep Kevin appraised of Joe's condition and recommended that Kevin call Kelsey to see how she's doing. Kevin commented that Hayley and Mateo are great people to work for and was awed by how close they were to each other. Opal told Kevin that he would have someone special soon and told him to hang in there. Kevin blushed slightly and bowed his head. He said that it'll be ages before he can find a soulmate. Hayley overheard the discussion as she passed by and told Kevin that he has many years ahead of him before he needs to settle down with someone. She smiled and told him to enjoy playing the field---but asked that he be play safely.

Mateo returned from the hospital and asked Hayley to watch Maddie while he arranged for a crib and toys for the baby. Hayley smiled and told her hubby that Isabella had dropped by earlier in the day and left a crib, toys, and soy milk for the baby. And as if that was not enough, the staff at Holidays also arranged to cover the evening shift so that Hayley and Matt could go home early and spend time with the kids.

Allie praised Jake for his composure in the operating room. Jake laughed and said that he was neither "brave" nor "strong." He confessed that he came close to running out of the operating room on more than one occasion. Allie told her colleague that he shouldn't be embarrassed. Medical school, she said, doesn't prepare someone to see their loved one on the operating table. Jake let out a deep breath and said that he is not looking forward to having to relive that situation any time soon. Allie smiled and took Jake's hand, telling him that he won't have to go through it again because Joe will be okay.

While Joe slept, Ruth sat by his bedside and relived memories of how she and Joe first met. She said that she was blessed to have Joe in her life. She was also thankful that Joe was always there to listen to her when she had something to say. Then, without warning, Joe replied that "right now I have no choice." Ruth chuckled and told Joe that she also fell in love with his sense of humor. She then reminded him that he had promised to dance with her at the Labor Day festivities.

Gloria followed Tad to the patio area and only after she cleared her throat did Tad acknowledge her presence. Tad thanked Gloria for offering to be Joe's personal nurse. Gloria claimed that it wasn't hat big a deal because she would do anything for Joe. Tad told Gloria that Joe had saved his life by adopting him. Had it not been for that, Tad said that he has no idea where he would be today---or if he would even be at all. Tad was overcome by emotion and began sobbing. He lowered his head and placed it on the table. Gloria fought her instincts to comfort Tad. She had to pull her arm back before she started to gently stroke Tad's head. As the two talked, Dimitri happened to pass by in the corridor. He remained in the shadows until after Gloria had left. He walked onto the patio and issue Tad a stern warning. He told him that he was relieved that Joe was okay, but warned Tad against using Joe's condition to "milk sympathy from Gloria." Simply put, Dimitri told Tad to "find another shoulder to cry on."

Skye returned to Edmund's room and listened as Edmund painfully told her that he fears Dimitri will try to get custody of Madeline. That was all that Skye needed to hear before deciding that she had to tell Edmund about Madeline's true paternity. She told Edmund that she had done something that "can't be explained." Her actions, she said, were brought on by her obsession for him. She said that she wanted to be a part of his life, but after he rejected her, she wanted to make him suffer. That's why, she said, she altered the results of the paternity test. "Dimitri is not Maddie's father," she said with tears forming in her eyes. "You are.""

- Soap Central