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"Their getaway over, Gloria and Dimitri prepared for a return to Pine Valley. Gloria feared the return to town. She felt that she would be the subject of gossip. Their would be speculation as to why she and Tad were no longer an item. That's the trouble with living in a small town, Dimitri replied. Dimitri decided that it was possible to delay the return to Pine Valley. Gloria shook her head nervously. They were both subpoenaed to testify against Erica. There was no possible way that they could skip out on the court. As a smiled formed on his face, Dimitri reached for his air-to-ground telephone. He informed Gloria that nothing was impossible and that "extenuating circumstances" could prevent their timely return to town. "Trust me," Dimitri cooed, "and you're in for the ride of your life."

Opal broke up a chat between Tad and Liza. She was concerned about testifying against Erica. Opal moved around the issue of whether she thought Erica was wrong for taking Sonya/Madeline. Instead, she worried about whether Erica could forgive her or not. Tad told his mother that she would get by, but hinted that he had problems of his own. When asked, he revealed that he and Gloria were no longer together. Seeing that Liza was hovering in the wings, Opal immediately jumped to the conclusion that Tad had been sleeping with Liza. Opal raised such a hubbub that Palmer raced over to her side to quiet her down. Tad insisted that he had not cheated on Gloria and warned his mother not to spread rumors.

Jack told Erica that he cannot or should not be talking to Erica without her attorney being present. Erica claimed that Jack was treating her "like a criminal." Jack took several minutes to explain to Erica that she is, for all intents and purposes, a criminal. Erica asked Jack if he had forgotten heir night together at Linden. Jack shook his head. He hadn't forgot what went on between them, but he wished that he could. Jack told Erica that their feelings for each other risk clouding the matter at hand. On that note, Trevor entered the room and scolded Erica for speaking to the prosecution. He escorted Erica into another room and asked that she follow the guidelines he's set for her. Erica was furious that people were turning against her. Who, she asked aloud, will be the next to "draw and quarter" her? Esther poked her head through an open door and announced that she had been called as a witness against Erica. But Esther assured Erica that her friendship to Erica meant a great deal to her. So much, that she would risk going to jail rather than to betray her friend. Trevor told Erica that Jack had offered Esther a bargain; No criminal charges would be filed against Esther if she agreed to testify against Erica. Erica begged Esther to reconsider. In fact, she basically ordered Esther to take the stand and testify against her. In what was a very heartfelt and emotional response, Esther told Erica that she never felt at ease in society. Besides, she's used to small quarters and a jail cell would be a welcomed changed of scenery. Erica thanked Esther for standing by her during the kidnapping saga, but old Esther that she cannot bear to see her friend in jail. Belinda happened upon the tête-à-tête and told her client that she should not be talking to Erica. Erica smiled broadly and announced that Esther had decided to accept Jack's proposal. Esther will, Erica said, testify against her. Belinda was perplexed. She was even more confused when Erica and Esther smiled at each other and shared a hug after announcing the news that Esther would speak out against Erica.

A food critic showed up at Holidays and his presence created a frenzy for Mateo and Hayley. As it turned out, the critic, Mr. Gail, ordered a dish that they had just run out of. Jake, who got the last of the batch, offered to help Mateo and Hayley by running to the seafood store and buying a replacement fish. They agreed, but the critic became increasingly impatient as he sat for a long time without getting any service.

Back in court, Esther was called to the stand. She told the court about finding then-Sonya in Willow Lake. She explained that shortly after the wreck, Erica showed up at her door and claimed to be the baby's mother. She also stated that it was Erica's idea to claim that she was the baby's birthmother. She said that she thought that they were doing what was best for the baby. Jack asked Esther if she thought it was right to keep the baby from her real mother. Esther didn't want to answer and Trevor objected to the question, but the judge ruled that Esther had to answer the question. Esther said that it was not right, but quickly pointed out that Erica did give the baby back. Erica requested that Trevor not cross-examine Esther, saying that she suffered enough. Trevor told Erica that Esther had done damage to their case, but agreed to back off.

Liza was next on the stand and she had a bombshell to drop---but it had nothing to do with the case. When questioned by Jack, Liza told of how Erica concocted the Esther-is-the-baby's-mom story only after Dimitri learned that the Russian adoption story was a scam. She also told the jury that Erica had been hiding out in her attic. But on cross-examination, Trevor lashed out at Liza's credibility by forcing her to admit that she had contacted a film crew to Chandler Mansion before she contacted the authorities about Erica. Trevor also asked Liza about her appearance at Linden House with a hidden camera in her purse. Beads of sweat formed on Liza's forehead. She asked for a glass of water. Trevor thought she was avoiding the question and pressured Liza for an answer. Suddenly, Tad jumped to his feet and told Trevor to back off his friend. The judge was about to hold Tad in contempt, but Liza explained that Tad was only concerned for her welfare because she's pregnant. The courtroom gasped. Trevor backed off of his questioning and reserved his right to recall Liza at a later time. He then explained to Erica that he had to stop questioning Liza because the jury would turn against him if he badgered a pregnant woman.

Kevin attended another counseling session, but this time his mother was also at the session. Dr. Chapman implied that Kevin might be pretending to be gay to hurt his father. Kevin didn't like the implication that he was faking his homosexuality. Dr. Chapman asked for a few minutes alone with Kevin's mom. Kevin headed to a vending machine in the hall and on his way he bumped into Kelsey. Kelsey noticed the name on the wall and asked Kevin why he was visiting a doctor. He told her that at his parents' request, he was seeing a family therapist. Kelsey took the news well and said that she hopes the doctor can get Kevin and his family back together. The two shared an embraced just before Kevin returned to the office.

Inside, the psychiatrist told Judith that her son is becoming more rebellious. It might be impossible to make him change his ways, he informed her. A look of horror draped Judith's face. She begged the doctor to do whatever it takes to make her son "normal."

Jake picked up the fish and delivered it to the Holidays' chef. It was cooked up and served to a ravenous Mr. Gail. By this time Allie had also entered the restaurant. Mateo and Hayley were selfishly devoting all of their energy to the critic and thereby neglecting the rest of their paying custumers. The co-owners were eventually pried away from Mr. Gail. As they took Allie's order, tragedy struck. Mr. Gail began choking on his fish. Allie raced to his table an performed the Heimlich maneuver. Hayley feared that the critic would die in their restaurant. But the man came around and explained that his food was so good, he was wolfing it down. And, as the story so often goes, his food went down the "wrong pipe" and he began choking. Mr. Gail, now with a smile on his face, told Hayley and Mateo that he would give Holidays a glowing review. Jake and Allie chatted briefly and she told him that she had managed to find a solution to her housing crisis. She moved into a small studio apartment, she said but added that she had no furniture. Jake briefed his colleague on his dad's condition. Joe would be going home for a few days before his bypass surgery. To celebrate, Matt told Allie that she was no entitled to limitless food "on the house." Allie turned down the offer, but did accept a gift from Hayley. Allie, only have joking, said that if she keeps eating all of the goodies at Holidays she's going to need to see a fitness trainer. Hayley gave her the address of Tom Cudahy's fitness club and said that Holidays would pay for her membership as a "thank you." Hayley asked Allie where she could be reached. Allie responded that she was staying at the Pine Cone Motel.

Back at the trial, Adam escorted Liza to a private room and yelled at her for revealing her pregnancy. he claimed that she was trying to make a fool of him by flaunting her "love child." Liza told Adam that he was turning his back on her and his child. Tad entered the room, prompting Adam to snicker at Liza's claim that she was carrying his baby. Adam left the room in a huff. Tad apologized for making things even worse. He got a call from his private investigator who had tracked Gloria and Dimitri down to South Carolina. Now, however, they had disappeared. Is it possible, he asked Liza, for them to be more happy?

By this time, Opal had been called to the stand. She was a reluctant witness against Erica as she answered jack's questions with barely audible volume. She told the court about her run-in with Erica at the airport when she claimed that she was going to Russia. She also said that Erica seemed as happy as ever during their shopping spree in New York.

Myrtle was called next. She said that Erica may be "impetuous" but added that Erica has never been "malicious." She was just confused. And she said that she wishes she had known how confused Erica had been so that she could have been there for her.

Jack called for Dimitri to take the stand, but Dimitri was nowhere to be found. Initially, Erica feared her ex-hubby might be the nail in her coffin. But after she saw that Dimitri was nowhere to be seen, she felt much better. Jack then called Gloria Marsh to the stand. Suddenly there was a noise from the back of the room. Gloria, her eyes red and bulging and looking like she was in a drug induced stupor, stood along side of Dimitri. Dimitri announced that Jack had made a mistake. Gloria's correct last name is now Marick."

- Soap Central