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"Looking for a safe haven, Pierce returned to his Willow Lake cabin. The building showed little damage from the fire caused by Laura knocking over a candle. He looked over several books on the bookcase. One title caught his eye. He removed the book from its position on the shelf and paged through it. He then walked over to another location in the cabin where his eyes fixated on a huge military-style knife. He unsheathed the knife, obsessed on the eight inch blade for several minutes, and then stabbed the table top with such force that the knife was left standing vertically from the table. Concerned for the welfare of her lover, Brooke entered the cabin and asked Pierce if he was okay. "100% fine," said Pierce. He then asked Brooke why she is not tired of dealing with the ghosts of his past. After being asked what triggered his abrupt departure from Wildwind, Pierce said that he overheard Maria and Isabella talking about "something about a choice." Pierce's explanation was curtailed by a warning to Brooke: Leave now. Pierce said that he does "not feel safe around people" he loves. Brooke's advice to seek out professional help fell on deaf ears. His brow wrinkled and his voice deepened. He told Brooke that there is someone inside him that is very violent and very dark. "You cannot help me. No one can," said Pierce. He again ordered Brooke to leave. Brooke silently agreed. When she reached the cabin's porch, she quietly vowed to Pierce that she loves him too much to let him go.

Tanner arrived at Holidays toting Cuban cigars for Hayley and Mateo's wedding. Hayley was furious with Tanner for arriving late for his shift at work. Because of his tardiness, Hayley was unable to attend the memorial service at Wildwind. She hinted that Tanner's actions could merit some sort of action, possibly a demotion. Hayley was no longer convinced that Tanner was being truthful with her. She commented that every time he looks at her there is something in his eyes that leads her to believe that he is harboring a secret. Now was the time for the secret to be revealed. After some forceful probing, Tanner admitted that he was responsible for removing Hayley's clothing during the stay in the cave in West Virginia. He told her that she was cold and therefore needed to take her clothes off so that she could enjoy the warmth of his skin pressed against her. In Hayley's mind the explanation held no water. She then asked if Tanner did anything else while he was trying to "keep her warm." Tanner told Hayley that she was fully aware of his actions and that she actually helped him take of her clothing and was speaking to him. Hayley's fears were even more heightened and it is safe to say that she doubted Tanner's claims that there was nothing sexual between them.

It looked like Esther was going to try to make a run with the baby. She told the infant that she was tired of the area and wanted to get a move on. She then asked the baby if she was a "travellin' girl." But instead of making a move, she waited patiently for Erica to return.

Dimitri raced to Erica and told her that he was on his way to find her. That offered little comfort to Erica who asked him where dozen red roses were hidden. Erica asked her former husband if he remembered the gift he gave her in the form of a golden key to the hunting lodge. She then asked if Maria had been given a platinum or diamond key to the lodge for their midnight flings. In the main room, Isabella bobbed her head around like a chicken and continually asked if anyone could hear what Dimitri and Erica were saying on the other side of the double-doors. Dimitri asked Erica to meet with him in private so that they could discuss the situation. He insisted that he wanted to tell Erica about his affair many months ago, but that Edmund ordered him not to part with the secret. His voice became urgent as he informed Erica that both their loves are riding on his explanation to which Erica advised him to make his explanation good. Dimitri explained that he slept with Maria on the night that he found Erica in bed with Jonathan Kinder. Bad move. Erica asked Dimitri how she is supposed to forgive him for sleeping with Maria when he could not forgive her for sleeping with Jonathan. She then merrily pointed out that she actually had not slept with Jonathan that night. From the other side of the doors, Erica could hear Isabella ask if Erica was too ashamed to show her face at the service. That was all that needed to be said to spark Erica into to motion. She burst through the oak doors and confronted Isabella about the claim. Erica told the assembled crowd that she wants to tell them what happened, but that Dimitri prefers to spill his soul in private to the morally challenged. Erica then cast a glance to Gloria and apologized for her comment. She said that Dimitri obviously confessed his sins to Gloria because she is in no position to "cast stones." Jack begged Erica not to say something that she'd regret. Erica smiled and cocked her head to one side. "I don't do regret any more," she replied. Erica professed her innocence in the death of Maria's child. She insisted that she did everything in her power to save the child including delivering the baby. Isabella tired of Erica and Dimitri's bickering and asked Erica what her marital problems have to do with her grandson. Finally, Erica revealed the unpleasant truth: Dimitri and Maria slept together and Maria's child was Dimitri's, not Edmund's. No one believed her. Erica enlisted Gloria to bolster her claim, but Gloria remained quiet. At the most inopportune time, Skye dropped by Wildwind. Erica was pleased to see her on-again-off-again friend and asked Skye to tell everyone what she had tried to say at the wedding. This time, Skye remained silent. Dimitri broke the silence and announced that everything Erica had said was true. A stunned gasp emanated from the room. Skye paced back and forth as everyone kept referring to the baby as "Dimitri's child." The Santoses left the room, but not before Mateo gave a piercing glance at Dimitri. Dimitri left the house with Skye in toe. She tried to tell him that she had something that would "change everything." Dimitri lashed out at Skye and told her that he does not want to hear her confess her sins. Dimitri stormed off after telling Skye that she had no more cards left to deal. Under her breath, Skye refuted the claim. She said that she is holding the ace and that it could have been Dimitri's had he not been so mean to her. A phone call from the Russian Adoption Agency rang through. Erica took the call. The news from Russia was grim. The adoption agent told Erica that do to the inundation of interest in adopting a child from Russia, there was an eight to twelve month wait. Erica faked an air of jubilation and covertly pressed the receiver to hung up the phone. She continued talking for several minutes before placing down the receiver. She then told everyone that good news has found her and that a baby is waiting for her in Russia. She said her good-byes and told everyone that when she returns from her trip, she'll be a mother."

- Soap Central