09/10/2008 Annie Sneaks Out

"Tad and Krystal went to the hospital to meet with a counselor on Kate's behalf. Tad was hesitant about getting Kate professional help, but Krystal insisted. They went to see the counselor and detailed the situation with Kate. Krystal explained that Kate was acting out and it was becoming dangerous. Tad interjected that Kate would never intentionally hurt anyone. Krystal disagreed and worried that she or Jenny might get hurt. Tad wondered if he was to blame because he did not find the little girl sooner. After the meeting, Krystal assured Tad that he was not to blame for Kate's behavior. She told him that he was the best father ever.

Kendall went to see Zach at Cambias because he spent the night in his office. He told her to leave, but she refused. He said that he needed to clean up the mess that she helped create by helping Josh escape. She wanted to know how Ryan planned on giving Zach "restitution" for Josh's crime. Then, Ryan entered and announced that he was going to work for Cambias to help Zach regain his loses. Kendall was pleased that the two men were collaborating.

After Kendall left, Ryan asked Zach what his job would be. Zach explained that he needed someone he could trust. Ryan reminded Zach that he did not have any experience with casinos, but Zach did not care. Zach ordered Ryan to find all of the employees that were scheming with Josh, and fire them. Ryan agreed to the task.

Ryan was worried about Zach and Kendall's relationship. Zach was annoyed that Kendall cared about drama, instead of their family. Ryan hoped that his life would be rid of drama, since he decided to end his marriage to Annie. Just then, a messenger delivered a package to Ryan. Ryan was shocked to see that Annie filed a restraining order against him.

Babe and Annie arrived at Fusion. Annie confided in Babe that she wanted to feel safe, but was finding it difficult. Babe revealed that Adam kept a gun locked in the clock in the living room, so Annie should feel secure. Annie looked intrigued by the gun.

Greenlee and Kendall informed Babe and Annie that Bella was a success. Babe was ecstatic. As Babe looked at the orders for Bella, Annie talked with Richie's ghost. Richie encouraged Annie to kill Greenlee with a pair of scissors on her desk. Annie walked past Greenlee with the scissors and overheard Greenlee mention that Aidan was out of town for the night. Greenlee planned on watching a horror movie alone at her penthouse. Annie told Richie that she was going to kill Greenlee later that night.

Annie mentioned that she was hot, and took off her sweater. Babe noticed the bruises on her arms. Annie claimed that Ryan gave her the bruises while they were arguing over their failed marriage. Kendall adamantly defended Ryan's innocence, but Greenlee worried that Ryan's violent streak was returning. Babe was furious with Ryan.

Babe and Annie went home to the mansion. Annie pretended that she was going to sleep early, but really stole Adam's gun and sneaked out of the house through a window.

Babe happily told JR that Bella was getting a lot of buzz, so Fusion planned on shipping out the first orders for the perfume in a week. Adam overheard the conversation and slyly smiled. Adam then approached Babe and congratulated her on all of her achievements with Bella. After Adam walked away, JR affirmed that Adam was plotting something.

Pete came over to see Adam. Pete wished to know the next step in Adam's plan to sabotage Bella and Fusion. Adam coldly informed Pete that his services were no longer needed. Pete pleaded with Adam to continue their partnership, but Adam denied his request. So, Pete threatened to tell Colby that Adam poisoned her with the tainted perfume. Adam called Pete a "pain in his ass." Pete stated that he learned how to blackmail from the best, Adam. Adam reluctantly agreed to work with Pete. Meanwhile, JR saw Adam and Pete and demanded to know why they were spending so much time together. Pete nervously ran off and Adam claimed that Pete was looking for a real father figure to compensate for having Palmer as a dad. JR was suspicious about their relationship and stated that his father was up to something. Adam laughed and walked away.

Ryan busted into the mansion and demanded to see Annie. Adam and JR told Ryan to leave their home, but Ryan refused. Ryan was irate over the restraining order that Annie filed against him. Babe affirmed that Annie was right to get an order of protection after he bruised her arms. Ryan admitted to grabbing Annie's shoulders, but he denied getting rough with her. Ryan proclaimed that Annie was a liar and wished to see his daughter. Adam and JR once again refused Ryan's entry into their home, but Ryan tried to run upstairs to see Emma anyway.

Greenlee watched a horror movie as Annie stalked Greenlee from an open window. Annie secretly entered the penthouse through the window and spied on Greenlee. Richie urged his sister to kill Greenlee. Annie hid behind a curtain as she aimed the gun at Greenlee. Then, Tad knocked on Greenlee's door, looking for Aidan. Greenlee explained that her husband was away, so Tad left. Greenlee resumed watching the movie and Annie pointed the gun at Greenlee. Just then, Annie clutched her stomach and writhed in pain.

Kendall returned to Cambias to invite Zach to dinner. Zach dismissed her invitation and stated that he had too much work. Kendall assumed that Zach was going to make her apologize for Josh for the rest of her life. He noted that he simply wanted his life back. He explained that, because Kendall was very consumed with everyone else's life, she stopped living her own life. He was tired of listening to her complain about Ryan, Annie, Greenlee, and Aidan. She looked sheepish and asked if he still loved her. He said yes. She pushed all of the papers off his desk and pushed him onto it. She then began passionately kissing him."

- Soap Central