
"The folks at Wildwind are preparing for Ryan and Gillian's wedding. Gillian entered the room and said that all the ruckus was setting her back from getting to Town Hall for her wedding. All the people at Wildwind kept telling Gillian that they wanted to visit with her as Gillian reminded them she was going to get married that day and she had things to do. Ryan called and Alex answered the phone. Ryan asked if Gillian was there and Alex answered with a simple "yes" and gently set the phone back in its cradle. Gillian's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets as she asked Alex if she had hung up on Ryan. Alex nodded and she, Dimitri and Eugenia explained that they all felt a need to spend more time with her - starting right now. Eugenia explained that when Ryan calls back, he will not get an answer and he'll be forced to show up at the house. "And then what?" Gillian asked.

Meanwhile, Ryan was at The Valley Inn and ran into Jake. They discussed the upcoming nuptials and Jake gave Ryan his "best regards." Greenlee then showed up and joined Jake. Jake brought her up to speed, "The princess is marrying the con man today." She replied with, "Again?" Greenlee tried to apologize for her behavior the night before, but Jake didn't buy it. Jake told Greenlee he "gets her motive for the day." He went on to inform her that he knew the reason she showed up at the Valley Inn in the first place, was because she knew that Leo would be there. She denied it and Jake left in disgust.

Leo entered the Valley Inn and joined Ryan. Ryan looked at Leo funny and Leo admitted, "he hadn't shaved." Ryan held up the morning newspaper and told Leo that he was aware that his brother was arrested for drugging everybody with Libidozone at the yacht party. Erica overheard them from another table. "Isn't that the tape that mysteriously disappeared?" asked Ryan. Leo tried to offer Ryan an explanation, but he kept fumbling for his words. Ryan accused him of taking the tape when they were all searching for it on the yacht. Leo denied it. Ryan reminded him that his reputation as well as his company's reputation had been dragged through the mud over the whole Libidozone. Erica was still listening intently from her nearby table. Ryan reminded him that "marriages ended" and Laura had almost died because of David's shenanigans. Leo made no attempt to argue with what Ryan had said. Erica quickly rose from her table and left the restaurant. Ryan asked Leo how much David paid him, and bluntly told him that he was fired. Leo departed and Greenlee slithered after him.

Later, Ryan showed up at Wildwind looking for Gillian. He asked Alex if she had just hung up on him and she admitted it by saying, "Yeah, I think so." Ryan said he tried to call back but he kept getting a busy signal. Alex agreed and informed him ever so casually that the phone was off the hook. Ryan was very stunned about Alex and Dimitri's demeanor and consistently tried to find out Gillian's whereabouts. He was told that Gillian wasn't there and that she had left him a message that she wouldn't be able to marry him at Town Hall that day. Ryan was obviously flabbergasted and asked if that was one of their Hungarian jokes. After more questioning, Dimitri reiterated the fact that Gillian couldn't possibly marry him at Town Hall that day. Ryan, frustrated, began a search through the manor. Following Ryan's departure, Dimitri and Alex laughed and headed off to get dressed for the upcoming occasion.

Ryan reentered the living room a bit later and told Dimitri that he could not find his princess anywhere. "If this is a joke, I am not laughing," he grumbled. Dimitri had his back to Ryan and finally turned around. When he did, Ryan, observed that he was dressed in a tux. Smiling, Dimitri handed Ryan a tux of his own. Ryan wanted to know why he was being given a tux and Dimitri informed him that he should just put it on as Gillian was waiting for him.

Ryan was seen entering the foyer of the Wildwind Chapel dressed in his tux. The room was filled with flowers. Dimitri entered and complimented himself for his good job. Ryan wanted to know why he was at the chapel and wearing a tux. Dimitri informed him that all his questions would be answered as soon as he opened the doors and entered the chapel. Ryan entered the chapel and saw Gillian standing at the altar with her back to him. She slowly turned around to face him in her beautiful wedding dress and their eyes locked together in a loving gaze.

Tad answered a knock at his door, and lo and behold, it was Dixie! Tad was very hurt and reminded her that for months he had the goods on David and she wouldn't listen. She finally interrupted him and said how very sorry she was, that she "was totally and completely wrong," adding that she was "so sorry."

Tad and Dixie ultimately sat down together and discussed the past. Dixie informed him that she had been up all night thinking about everything. Tad asked her why she ran out of the room when he showed her the tape. She said that she couldn't take it all in at that time; she couldn't handle the dirt. Tad's heart softened a little and he told her that she had been manipulated by David. Dixie finally explained to Tad why she'd let David into her life; she needed somebody to show her that she mattered. Dixie explained that Tad's return to work and Junior's growing up left her feeling unneeded. Tad told her that she mattered to so many people. Dixie sniveled about all her hardships as an excuse for her behavior. Tad asked her what she was going to do now. Dixie replied by telling him that her first priority was talking to him, and that her second priority was going to David's arraignment. Tad wanted to know why she felt it necessary to attend David's arraignment. Dixie said that she wanted to see how David was going to get out of this mess. Tad said that he couldn't. Dixie disagreed because Tad didn't know the "level of deceit" that was inside of David and that she had to be sure that David didn't find a way to elude the charges against him. She asked Tad's permission to go and he decided that they would go together. Hand in hand they left for the hearing.

Leo went to the courthouse and Greenlee entered behind him. Greenlee approached Leo and asked him if he was okay. Leo told her that he wanted to be alone. Greenlee refused to leave him in his current condition as she knew that David was being arraigned that morning. Leo poured his heart out about the fact that David paid him to suppress the evidence and that he felt he had let David down because he had allowed Tad to get a hold of the videotape. Greenlee reassured him that he did the best he could to protect his brother...because he loved him. Leo told her he just wanted out of this mess. Greenlee said she also did and asked him if he "wanted to escape together." Greenlee continued to help Leo deal with his guilt. Vanessa barged in and asked Leo for his help as his brother was just about to be arraigned. Leo responded with "What, no pleasantries mother?" Vanessa and Leo stepped into the hallway amongst the media. Vanessa blamed Leo for Tad getting hold of the videotape implicating his brother. Vanessa, surprisingly, appeared very concerned for David. Leo asked if he could have his mother's handbag as he suddenly felt like he needed to "barf."

Later, David was shown behind bars. Vanessa came to visit and brought an attorney of Palmer's to assist him. She reminded him that he was being arraigned that morning. All David could say was he needed Dixie and "that's all." He did not need a lawyer. Vanessa insisted to David that he needed legal representation, he was facing very grave charges. David explained to Vanessa that all she cared about was the fact that he might be jeopardizing her meal ticket and that she didn't want him anywhere near Dixie because Dixie is Palmer's niece. She insisted that all she wanted to do was help him. David told her "what a crock" all she wanted was to be a billionaire's wife. Vanessa pled with him to stop it and begged him to let her help; that she was truly frightened for him. David retorted with, "There are only two things in the world that frighten you Vanessa, watching your bank account get seized and seeing your two sons happy." After Vanessa reminded him that he could be locked away for years and threatened to leave, David relented and asked the attorney, Thomas O'Neill, to enter his cell to assist in his defense.

Following Vanessa's departure, David and O'Neill had a chat. O'Neill told David that he thought he could discredit a lot of witnesses - Leslie was "unstable" and she had "kidnapped a kid" and Gordon was a" gold-digging turncoat." After further conversations, O'Neill reassured David that there wasn't any real evidence against him, that there was no proof that he gave that drug to anyone. As if things weren't bad enough for David, Erica entered and said, "I wouldn't count on that!" O'Neill mysteriously vanished and Erica approached David and asked him how he was going to get out of his latest mess. David asked her why she was there. Erica asked him if he really didn't know and she began to sing the song she'd sung at The Valley Inn while under the influence of Libidozone. David finally got it. Erica reminded him of the night she was under the influence of Libidozone. Erica took the blame for the way David now feels about Dixie and she told him "You loved me David, and I broke up with you, but I had no idea that you were going to completely lose your mind, you poor thing...I certainly can't help but to feel somewhat responsible." Erica further gave him a hard time for drugging her because she said she works very hard every day to stay sober. David apologized to her and told her he never meant to jeopardize her sobriety. They were interrupted when O'Neill reentered and informed David that it was time to go to his arraignment.

David was led, handcuffed, into the courtroom. Jake approached him and handed him a prepared letter of resignation for David to sign. Vanessa asked him what that meant. David said that apparently he was being fired. David signed it and told his mother to forget it. "It was only the first surprise of the day, who knows what is next," David sighed. At that exact moment, Dixie entered the courtroom and a moment later Tad appeared behind her. Erica also entered the courtroom after Tad and Dixie had taken their seats. The hearing began. After the hearing was called to order, Judge Connelly informed David that he was being charged with 76 counts of simple assault. The rest of the charges were not heard due to the fact that David was thinking about how much he loved Dixie and blocked the whole thing out. Judge Connelly asked about the matter of bail and David jumped to his feet and asked that he not be granted bail. David informed the judge and the courtroom that he was "guilty of all charges.""

- Soap Central