12/29/95 The Wedding Begins

"Brooke held her New Year's Eve bash to celebrate Pierce as the premiere artist of the year. Brooke was going to spend the evening dancing and hooping it up with Adam, but his snit-fit made Brooke long to be with anyone else but Adam. Brooke took Pierce away from his date, Janet, and began showing him around to all the bigwigs at the party. If you looked closely, you could see the steam shooting out of Adam's ears. He kept whispering things to Janet trying to make her as insecure as he is. Say what you will, but Janet and Adam are perfect together. Taylor told Jack and Derek that Noah killed Louie in coldblood and was, as Noah had implied, threatened by a gun wielding Louie. He simply bashed his head against the fence and killed him. When Jack asked why she kept all this information, she said that she didn't want to be branded as a woman scorned and that she didn't want to interfere with Noah and Julia's soon-to-be wedded bliss. And she said it all with a straight face! Later when Mummy came over, the charade seemed like it was just about up. Vivienne could see how broken up Taylor was and when her daughter began to explain what was going on, Vsaw Taylor's eyelashes fluttering. It's not nice to fool Mother Nature or Mummy Roxbury. Vivienne immediately knew that something was up and demanded to know what was going on. Taylor said it was nothing or at least nothing that Mummy could fix. Erica showed up at Julia and Noah's wedding, but didn't get a chance to get comfortable. Noah cut into Erica for not going to the police to report that Louie tried to sell her drugs in Front Street. Because of it, Noah said, Julia was abducted and nearly killed. To top it all off, he added that Erica wasn't wanted at the wedding. Then came Dimitri's turn. He couldn't understand why Erica would pay Dr. Kinder's bail after he nearly killed Maria and Kelsey (and the unborn baby). He said that Erica was no longer welcome at Wildwind. Inside the wedding, things were just as cold. The friction between Mateo and Hayley continued. Matt was still better over being tossed aside on Christmas Eve. Kelsey looked on as everyone else sat with their family and loved ones and she sat alone. Laurel commented to Trevor that Julia's wedding looked so picture perfect because she was surrounded by her family and siblings. When Trevor heard talk of brothers and sisters, his lips sealed and he said nothing more. Erica returned to Linden House and booted out Myrtle, who was trying to help Erica feel better. Later Dr. Kinder showed up, as he always does, and wanted to thank Erica for bailing him out and maybe spend a little time with her. A special delivery put the damper on any festivities. The package contained papers from Dimitri asking for a divorce. At the wedding, things were just underway when Derek broke in. He told Noah that he was under arrest for the murder of Louie Greco."

- Soap Central